El nostre recull

Aquest és el vostres espai! Aquí hi publicarem algunes de les redaccions o textos escrits en qualsevol llengua i assignatura de l'escola. Us convidem a tots a participar-hi!!!

dimarts, 15 de gener del 2013

Last Christmas

This Christmas was wonderful. I celebrated it with my family and friends. The Christmas holidays began the 21st of December and ended the 8th of January. 
The celebrations started the 24th of December. We celebrated “La nit de Nadal”. We ate some typical food, and for dessert we ate something called “turrons and polvorons”. This night came Santa Claus, with a lot of presents for everyone. The presents are under the Christmas tree, and “Caga Tió*” The next day we celebrate Christmas day and we ate some typical food,too.

 "Caga  Tió"

The 31st of December. This day is called New Year’s Eve. This day we celebrated that started a new year, and we ate twelve grapes. The next day was New Year’s Day.
The twelve grapes
The last celebration was the Three Wise Men. The 5th of January at night we went to the Three Wise Men parade to see them. And the 6th of January we celebrated that everyone had a lot of presents in their house.

 The Three Wise Men

In Spain, for Christmas we decorated the houses, the shops, and the streets with a lot of things. For example we decorated with a Christmas tree, with “Caga Tió” and with a Nativity Scene.
*Caga Tió: Is a piece of wood the gives small presents to  the children.

Mariona Fernández 2nd ESO

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